These are some useful online tools which can make your work easier and faster because you don't have to download any software to do your work. Just put in your input and get your work done.
1.Convert FilesEasily convert different file formats. You can convert images, download YouTube video and much more with this web tool.2. JoongelAre you a power searcher? Then this tool this for you. You simultaneously search different search engines in different categories. It can be very useful if you are doing an online research.3. Quick ThumbnailSimply create thumbnails in different sizes right from your browser. You...

KEmulator is a mobile java game emulator, KEmulator provides kinds of utilities making our developers more effectively, and it supports most of the popular mobile platforms. Whats more is that with this application you can even open java apps like opera mini, ucweb, etc. as such as you open it from your phone (including net facilities)about KEmulator Lite version : KEmulator Lite version is free and it has all the features necessary, like jsr75, proxy input, screen size adjustment, keypad mapping etc It's written in java, and the UI is based on SWT win32. Now, the follow APIs...
Numbering Navigation Widget is very useful for blogs because it tell the visitors that how many pages this blog has and from those pages the visitor can calculate that how much posts this blog contain.
This widget is place at the bottom of the template where "Newer Posts" and "Older Posts" are shown.
It looks like this:
Follow the instructions to place this widget on your Blog.
1. Go to Your Blogger Dashboard.
2. Click on Design Page.
3. Now, Navigate to Edit HTML tab
Better not to check the box "Expand Widget Templates"
4. Now, search for the term ]]</b:skin>
Copy and paste the following...

Web Stat is a website which monitors your blog/website's visitors. It can do a lot of works for you such as the location of your visitors, which pages they visit in your blog, how much time they spent in your blog and etc...It also provides LIVE streaming. When you log in to your Web Stat account, you will be able to see that who is viewing your blog that time.Streaming map of recent visitors:It shows you the recent viewers of your blog. As it locates your visitors, so it can show you the information about each visitor such as their region, country, time of visit etc. It also shows that if a visitor is new or old...
Buzzom Has An Awesome Update
People search is one of the most important and powerful feature of Buzzom. Since its launch we have been adding advance features to the system to make people search more interesting and efficient. Recently, we added advance filter option that allowed user to add different search criteria like bio, location and name.
Today, we are announcing an interesting feature to Buzzom People search. The new feature allows you to filter the search result according to :
1. Followers count
2. Following count
3. Profile Image present or absent
These criteria will allow to be more efficient in your people search.
For More...
21 Aug 2010:
Pak Cyber Army has hacked the official website of primeminister Manmohan Singh & congress president Sonia Gandhi.Offlate, we saw huge no of pakistani websites getting hacked by Indian Cyber Army,India Shell.Here are the links Link :
Have you ever wondered how some companies are able to lay hold on your email address in order to send spam mails to you? Or have you ever wondered how some sites like Google are able to open pages according to the country or region you stay? How do you think hackers are able to have access to the information you share online? These questions will remain unanswered until you understand what an internet protocol address is.
An IP address is a set of numbers, which are in decimal forms, assigned to each computer in a network. It is a very important component in internet communication because it determines...